- published: 06 Nov 2012
- views: 28

Colloquium: John Krizmanic, October 18, 2012
John Krizmanic
Title: Phase Fresnel Lens Development for X-ray & Ga...
published: 06 Nov 2012
Colloquium: John Krizmanic, October 18, 2012
John Krizmanic
Title: Phase Fresnel Lens Development for X-ray & Gamma-Ray Astronomy
Angular resolution and effective area are two key parameters that define the performance of a telescope. Historically, X-ray and gamma-ray telescopes have not achieved the angular resolution and flux sensitivity possible at longer wavelengths due to the difficulty in collecting and focusing high-energy photons. Currently, the best imaging ability in the X-ray band is given by the Chandra telescope, which has achieved sub-arcsecond imaging below 10 keV. The use of diffractive optics, especially Phase Fresnel Lenses (PFLs), offers a path to significantly improved high-energy performance. In principle, PFLs can achieve diffraction-limited angular resolution, which is orders of magnitude better than the current state-of-the-art, with high throughput at X-ray and gamma-ray energies, and the capability of scaling to meter-size dimensions. Micro-arcsecond angular resolution in the X-ray and gamma-ray band is achievable, which would allow for the direct imaging of the event horizon surrounding Black Holes. We have successfully fabricated PFLs in silicon using Micro-Electro-Mechanical-System (MEMS) fabrication techniques and measured near diffraction-limited performance at X-ray energies at the GSFC 600-meter Interferometry Testbed. The results demonstrate the superior imaging potential in the X-ray/gamma-ray energy band for PFL-based optics in a format that is scalable for astronomical applications.
In this talk I will discuss the astronomical motivation for improving in X-ray and gamma-ray imaging performance, the physics principles behind diffractive optics, our fabrication and characterization of PFLs, and describe potential space-based telescopes employing these optics.
- published: 06 Nov 2012
- views: 28

ESOcast 25: Chasing Gamma Ray Bursts at Top Speed: The VLT's Rapid Response Mode
This video podcast explains the ESO Very Large Telescope's Rapid Response Mode, which make...
published: 16 Sep 2012
ESOcast 25: Chasing Gamma Ray Bursts at Top Speed: The VLT's Rapid Response Mode
This video podcast explains the ESO Very Large Telescope's Rapid Response Mode, which makes it possible to observe gamma-ray bursts only a few minutes after they are first spotted. As the optical afterglow of a gamma-ray burst fades extremely rapidly, observations must start as quickly as possible. And the Very Large Telescope has the capability to master this time critical issue better than any other telescope.
Persiguiendo Estallidos de Rayos-Gamma a Toda Velocidad: El Rapid Response Mode del VLT
Este video podcast explica el Rapid Response Mode del Very Large Telescope de ESO, que hace posible observar estallidos de rayos-gamma sólo unos pocos minutos después que han sido ubicados por primera vez. Puesto que el resplandor crepuscular óptico de un estallido de rayos-gamma se apaga con extrema rapidez, las observaciones deben comenzar lo más rápido posible. Y el Very Large Telescope tiene la capacidad de dominar este crucial asunto de tiempo mejor que cualquier otro telescopio.
Visual design and editing: Martin Kornmesser and Luis Calçada.
Editing: Herbert Zodet.
Web and technical support: Lars Holm Nielsen and Raquel Yumi Shida.
Written by: Herbert Zodet.
Narration: Dr. J and Gaitee Hussain.
Music: movetwo (http://www.movetwo.de/).
Footage and photos: ESO, NASA/GoddardSpace Flight Center, Stéphane Guisard (http://www.eso.org/~sguisard) and José Francisco Salgado (http://www.josefrancisco.org/).
Directed by: Herbert Zodet.
Executive producer: Lars Lindberg Christensen.
- published: 16 Sep 2012
- views: 152

Supernova Gamma Ray burst captured on camera.
More energy is released in this single burst than what our sun will do in it's entire life...
published: 19 Nov 2012
Supernova Gamma Ray burst captured on camera.
More energy is released in this single burst than what our sun will do in it's entire lifetime.This type of GRB is called a short gamma ray burst(sGRB) as it only lasts for a second or so. Each picture was shot in 4 second intervals. I was lucky enough to capture the burst.
- published: 19 Nov 2012
- views: 934

Science With Integral
This week, ESA's Integral space observatory celebrates ten years since launch on 17 Octobe...
published: 15 Oct 2012
Science With Integral
This week, ESA's Integral space observatory celebrates ten years since launch on 17 October 2002. To mark the occasion, we present a slideshow of artist's impressions depicting some of Integral's most important discoveries. Integral, short for International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory, is equipped with two gamma-ray telescopes, an X-ray monitor and an optical camera. All four of Integral's instruments point simultaneously at the same region of the sky to make complementary observations of high-energy sources. Integral is often bathed in gamma-ray bursts, the death cries of massive stars that have burned up their fuel and exploded as a dramatic supernova, blasting high-energy radiation through the Solar System on a near-daily basis. The satellite has also discovered objects that are much subtler than exploding stars. Highly absorbed X-ray binaries shrouded in material streaming off a high-mass companion star are too faint to be seen in optical and ultraviolet wavelengths, but high-energy X-ray and gamma-ray radiation can escape from that environment, detectable by Integral.
- published: 15 Oct 2012
- views: 116

Swift's 500th Gamma Ray Burst
On April 13, 2010, NASA's Swift Gamma-ray Burst Explorer satellite discovered its 500th bu...
published: 11 Feb 2013
Swift's 500th Gamma Ray Burst
On April 13, 2010, NASA's Swift Gamma-ray Burst Explorer satellite discovered its 500th burst. Swift's main job is to quickly localize each gamma-ray burst (GRB), report its position so that others can immediately conduct follow-up observations, and then study the burst using its X-ray and Ultraviolet/Optical telescopes. Some notable bursts are identified in the video.
- published: 11 Feb 2013
- views: 170

29 Swift Gamma Ray Burst Explorer (Space/USA)
NASA's Swift Gamma Ray Burst Explorer, which orbits Earth 370 miles up, explores the unive...
published: 21 Apr 2009
29 Swift Gamma Ray Burst Explorer (Space/USA)
NASA's Swift Gamma Ray Burst Explorer, which orbits Earth 370 miles up, explores the universe in the optical, ultraviolet, X rays, and gamma rays. Swift has revolutionized astronomers' understanding of gamma-ray bursts -- the biggest explosions since the big bang. In between these almost daily blasts, Swift is making the most detailed survey of the sky in high-energy X rays and is studying supernovae, galaxies and comets. Swift was launched in late 2004."
NASA - SWIFT Main Index
- published: 21 Apr 2009
- views: 13559

Exploring the Universe With NASA's Fermi Gamma Ray Telescope | Blazar | Space Science HD Video
Visit my website at http://www.junglejoel.com - a distant blazar emits several gamma ray p...
published: 02 Nov 2012
Exploring the Universe With NASA's Fermi Gamma Ray Telescope | Blazar | Space Science HD Video
Visit my website at http://www.junglejoel.com - a distant blazar emits several gamma ray photons, which move through space until they encounter NASA's Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT). As they are traveling, more and more stars are born in the universe, resulting in more ultraviolet and optical photons moving randomly through space. Eventually, one of the gamma rays encounters a photon of starlight and the gamma ray transforms into an electron and a positron. The other gamma ray photons arrive at Fermi, interact with the tungsten plates of the LAT, creating electrons and positrons -whose paths through the detector allows astronomers to backtrack the gamma rays to their source. Please rate and comment, thanks!
Video Credits: NASA Goddard Space Center
- published: 02 Nov 2012
- views: 692

Swift observatory mission
Swift is a multi-wavelength observatory dedicated to the study of gamma-ray burst science....
published: 09 Aug 2007
Swift observatory mission
Swift is a multi-wavelength observatory dedicated to the study of gamma-ray burst science. Its 3 instruments work together to observe GRBs and afterglows in the gamma-ray, ultraviolet and optical wavebands. Launched 20 November 2004. More info- http://swift.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/swift/about_swift/
- published: 09 Aug 2007
- views: 3192

ESA - Integral: A Decade Revealing the High-Energy Sky
Integral: 10 years of observations
Celebrating ten years of Integral science
Supernova & ...
published: 16 Oct 2012
ESA - Integral: A Decade Revealing the High-Energy Sky
Integral: 10 years of observations
Celebrating ten years of Integral science
Supernova & gamma-ray burst
Highly absorbed x-ray binary
Supergiant fast x-ray transient
Anomalous x-ray pulsar
Annihilation of matter & anti-matter
High energy radiation from the Ophiuchus galaxy cluster
Active galaxy
Dust around a supermassive black hole
Black hole
Credits: ESA--C. Carreau
15 October 2012
Credits: ESA--C. Carreau
This week, ESA's Integral space observatory celebrates ten years since launch on 17 October 2002. To mark the occasion, we present a slideshow of artist's impressions depicting some of Integral's most important discoveries.
Integral, short for International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory, is equipped with two gamma-ray telescopes, an X-ray monitor and an optical camera. All four of Integral's instruments point simultaneously at the same region of the sky to make complementary observations of high-energy sources.
Integral is often bathed in gamma-ray bursts, the death cries of massive stars that have burned up their fuel and exploded as a dramatic supernova, blasting high-energy radiation through the Solar System on a near-daily basis.
The satellite has also discovered objects that are much subtler than exploding stars. Highly absorbed X-ray binaries shrouded in material streaming off a high-mass companion star are too faint to be seen in optical and ultraviolet wavelengths, but high-energy X-ray and gamma-ray radiation can escape from that environment, detectable by Integral.
Meanwhile, supergiant fast X-ray transients display X-ray and gamma-ray outbursts that last only a few tens of minutes to hours. These objects comprise a neutron star -- the dead core of a normal star which ended its life through a supernova -- grabbing material from the clumpy wind emitted by its supergiant stellar neighbour.
A strange breed of pulsar with super-strong magnetic fields has also been uncovered by Integral. A pulsar is a rotating neutron star that appears to emit beams of radiation like a lighthouse.
Integral is also capable of all-sky surveys and has for the first time mapped the entire sky at the specific energy produced by the annihilation of electrons with their positron anti-particles.
The power released by the annihilating particles corresponds to over six thousand times the luminosity of our Sun.
Integral has also made the first unambiguous discovery of highly energetic X-rays coming from the galaxy cluster known as Ophiuchus. The emission is thought to originate from giant shockwaves rippling through the cluster's gas as two galaxies collide and merge.
Integral has also been probing the feeding habits of active galaxies and black holes, which lurk in the bellies of most galaxies, including our own.
Many supermassive black holes are surrounded by thick dust discs, which Integral can peer through to identify the black hole hidden within.
Read more about Integral's decade-long contribution to high-energy astrophysics in our special anniversary article coming up on Wednesday.
- published: 16 Oct 2012
- views: 1261

Germanium doped CdTe crystal Ge-doped CdTe sales@dmphotonics.com
Ge doped CdTe crystal sales@dmphotonics.com
Cadmium telluride (CdTe) is a crystalline comp...
published: 01 Feb 2013
Germanium doped CdTe crystal Ge-doped CdTe sales@dmphotonics.com
Ge doped CdTe crystal sales@dmphotonics.com
Cadmium telluride (CdTe) is a crystalline compound formed from cadmium and tellurium. It is used as an infrared optical window and a solar cell material. It is usually sandwiched with cadmium sulfide to form a p-n junction photovoltaic solar cell. Typically, CdTe cells use a n-i-p structure.
CdTe is used to make thin film solar cells, accounting for about 6% of all solar cells installed in 2010. They are among the lowest-cost types of solar cell, although a comparison of total installed cost depends on installation size and many other factors, and has changed rapidly from year to year. The CdTe solar cell market is dominated by First Solar. In 2010, around 1.5 GWp of CdTe solar cells were produced; if this figure were massively increased, there might eventually be a shortage of tellurium, as Te is among the rarest elements in the Earth's crust (see below). Specifically, production could be expanded by a factor of 1000 to 10000 (estimates vary) before running out of Te.
CdTe can be alloyed with mercury to make a versatile infrared detector material (HgCdTe). CdTe alloyed with a small amount of zinc makes an excellent solid-state X-ray and gamma ray detector (CdZnTe).
CdTe is used as an infrared optical material for optical windows and lenses but it has small application and is limited by its toxicity such that few optical houses will consider working with it.
CdTe is also applied for electro-optic modulators. It has the greatest electro-optic coefficient of the linear electro-optic effect among II-VI compound crystals (r41=r52=r63=6.8×10−12 m/V)
CdTe doped with chlorine is used as a radiation detector for x-rays, gamma rays, beta particles and alpha particles. CdTe can operate at room temperature allowing the construction of compact detectors for a wide variety of applications in nuclear spectroscopy.[6] The properties that make CdTe superior for the realization of high performance gamma- and x-ray detectors are high atomic number, large bandgap and high electron mobility ~1100 cm2/V·s, which result in high intrinsic μτ (mobility-lifetime) product and therefore high degree of charge collection and excellent spectral resolution.
Physical properties
Lattice constant: 0.648 nm at 300K
Young's modulus: 52 GPa
Poisson ratio: 0.41
Thermal properties
Thermal conductivity: 6.2 W·m/m2·K at 293 K
Specific heat capacity: 210 J/kg·K at 293 K
Thermal expansion coefficient: 5.9×10−6/K at 293 K
Optical and electronic properties
Fluorescence spectra of colloidal CdTe quantum dots of various sizes, increasing approximately from 2 to 20 nm from left to right. The blue shift of fluorescence is due to quantum confinement.
Bulk CdTe is transparent in the infrared, from close to its band gap energy (1.44 eV at 300 K,[8] which corresponds to infrared wavelength of about 860 nm) out to wavelengths greater than 20 µm; correspondingly, CdTe is fluorescent at 790 nm. When the size of CdTe crystal is being reduced to a few nanometers and below, thus making a CdTe quantum dot, the fluorescence peak shifts towards through the visible range to the ultraviolet.
Cadmium selenide
Cadmium telluride photovoltaics
Cadmium zinc telluride
Mercury telluride
Mercury(II) cadmium(II) telluride
Zinc telluride
CdS - CdSe - CdTe - CdTe doped - stock PL - CdZnTe - ZnS - ZnSe - ZnSe polycrystalline targets - ZnSe:Te - ZnSe with different dopants - ZnTe - Mn- & V-doped II-VI compound crystals - Cr-doped II-VI compound crystals - GaSe - PbS, PbSe, PbTe - Bi2Se3, Bi2Te3 - CdWO4 - NaBi(WO4)2 - Powders and crystal pieces of metal chalcogenides - Li-doped CdTe
CdTe, V-doped (0.15 %), 7´5´0.5 mm, (110), 3 sides polished 60/40, high resistivity (³ 106 Ohm´cm)
CdTe, V-doped (0.08 %), (110), 10x10x1 mm
CdTe, V-doped (0.08 %), random oriented, 10x10x1 mm
CdTe, Ge-doped (0.1 %), 5x5x5 mm, (110) faces polished, (111) face grinded
CdTe, Li-doped (5*1016 cm-3), 10x10x0.5 mm, (111), 2 sides grinded
CdTe, Li-doped (5*1018 cm-3), 10x10x0.5 mm, (111), 2 sp.
CdTe, Li-doped (5*1018 cm-3), 10x10x0.5 mm, random oriented, 2 sp.
CdTe, Mn-doped (5*1016 cm-3), 10x10x0.5 mm, (111), 2 sp.
CdTe, Mn-doped (5*1018 cm-3), 10x10x0.5 mm, (111), 2 sp.
CdTe, Mn-doped (5*1018 cm-3), 10x10x0.5 mm, random oriented, 2 sp.
CdTe, Fe-doped (5*1018 cm-3), 10x10x0.5 mm, (111), 2 sp.
CdTe, Fe-doped (5*1018 cm-3), 10x10x0.5 mm, random oriented, 2 sp.
- published: 01 Feb 2013
- views: 67

Animation tracks several gamma rays through space and time
Astronomers using data from NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope have made the most accu...
published: 04 Nov 2012
Animation tracks several gamma rays through space and time
Astronomers using data from NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope have made the most accurate measurement of starlight in the universe and used it to establish the total amount of light from all of the stars that have ever shone, accomplishing a primary mission goal. This animation tracks several gamma rays through space and time, from their emission in the jet of a distant blazar to their arrival in Fermi's Large Area Telescope (LAT).During their journey, the number of randomly moving ultraviolet and optical photons (blue) increases as more and more stars are born in the universe. Eventually, one of the gamma rays encounters a photon of starlight and the gamma ray transforms into an electron and a positron. The remaining gamma-ray photons arrive at Fermi, interact with tungsten plates in the LAT, and produce the electrons and positrons whose paths through the detector allows astronomers to backtrack the gamma rays to their source.
Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Cruz deWilde
NASA image use policy www.nasa.gov/audience/formedia/features/MP_Photo_Guidelines.html
Music: In the space capsule by Daniele_Schiattino kompoz.com/p/33430
- published: 04 Nov 2012
- views: 686

Optical Technologies and Blu-Ray Research
Rainer Kunnemeyer is an Associat...
published: 26 Jan 2012
Optical Technologies and Blu-Ray Research
Rainer Kunnemeyer is an Associate Professor at the University of Waikato with an interest in optics including diffuse optical tomography and blu ray technology.
- published: 26 Jan 2012
- views: 154

The Galactic Bulge as seen by 2 of the instruments onboard INTEGRAL
Integral, short for International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory, is equipped with two ...
published: 08 Nov 2012
The Galactic Bulge as seen by 2 of the instruments onboard INTEGRAL
Integral, short for International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory, is equipped with two gamma-ray telescopes, an X-ray monitor and an optical camera. All four of Integral's instruments point simultaneously at the same region of the sky to make complementary observations of high-energy sources.
- published: 08 Nov 2012
- views: 10

NASA'S Fermi Measures Cosmic Fog Produced by Ancient Starlight. Explores the Early Universe GOODNEWS
This animation tracks several gamma rays through space and time, from...
published: 02 Nov 2012
NASA'S Fermi Measures Cosmic Fog Produced by Ancient Starlight. Explores the Early Universe GOODNEWS
This animation tracks several gamma rays through space and time, from their emission in the jet of a distant blazar to their arrival in Fermi's Large Area Telescope (LAT). During their journey, the number of randomly moving ultraviolet and optical photons (blue) increases as more and more stars are born in the universe. Eventually, one of the gamma rays encounters a photon of starlight and the gamma ray transforms into an electron and a positron. The remaining gamma-ray photons arrive at Fermi, interact with tungsten plates in the LAT, and produce the electrons and positrons whose paths through the detector allows astronomers to backtrack the gamma rays to their source. Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Cruz deWilde.
Astronomers using data from NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope have made the most accurate measurement of starlight in the universe and used it to establish the total amount of light from all of the stars that have ever shone, accomplishing a primary mission goal. "The optical and ultraviolet light from stars continues to travel throughout the universe even after the stars cease to shine, and this creates a fossil radiation field we can explore using gamma rays from distant sources," said lead scientist Marco Ajello, a postdoctoral researcher at the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology at Stanford University in California and the Space Sciences Laboratory at the University of California at Berkeley. Gamma rays are the most energetic form of light. Since Fermi's launch in 2008, its Large Area Telescope (LAT) observes the entire sky in high-energy gamma rays every three hours, creating the most detailed map of the universe ever known at these energies.The total sum of starlight in the cosmos is known to astronomers as the extragalactic background light (EBL). To gamma rays, the EBL functions as a kind of cosmic fog. Ajello and his team investigated the EBL by studying gamma rays from 150 blazars, or galaxies powered by black holes, that were strongly detected at energies greater than 3 billion electron volts (GeV), or more than a billion times the energy of visible light. "With more than a thousand detected so far, blazars are the most common sources detected by Fermi, but gamma rays at these energies are few and far between, which is why it took four years of data to make this analysis," said team member Justin Finke, an astrophysicist at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington.As matter falls toward a galaxy's supermassive black hole, some of it is accelerated outward at almost the speed of light in jets pointed in opposite directions. When one of the jets happens to be aimed in the direction of Earth, the galaxy appears especially bright and is classified as a blazar. Gamma rays produced in blazar jets travel across billions of light-years to Earth. During their journey, the gamma rays pass through an increasing fog of visible and ultraviolet light emitted by stars that formed throughout the history of the universe. Occasionally, a gamma ray collides with starlight and transforms into a pair of particles -- an electron and its antimatter counterpart, a positron. Once this occurs, the gamma ray light is lost. In effect, the process dampens the gamma ray signal in much the same way as fog dims a distant lighthouse. From studies of nearby blazars, scientists have determined how many gamma rays should be emitted at different energies. More distant blazars show fewer gamma rays at higher energies -- especially above 25 GeV -- thanks to absorption by the cosmic fog. The farthest blazars are missing most of their higher-energy gamma rays.The researchers then determined the average gamma-ray attenuation across three distance ranges between 9.6 billion years ago and today. From this measurement, the scientists were able to estimate the fog's thickness. To account for the observations, the average stellar density in the cosmos is about 1.4 stars per 100 billion cubic light-years, which means the average distance between stars in the universe is about 4,150 light-years."The Fermi result opens up the exciting possibility of constraining the earliest period of cosmic star formation, thus setting the stage for NASA's James Webb Space Telescope," said Volker Bromm, an astronomer at the University of Texas, Austin, who commented on the findings. "In simple terms, Fermi is providing us with a shadow image of the first stars, whereas Webb will directly detect them." Measuring the extragalactic background light was one of the primary mission goals for Fermi. "We're very excited about the prospect of extending this measurement even farther," said Julie McEnery, the mission's project scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.
NASA'S Fermi Measures Cosmic 'Fog' Produced by Ancient Starlight. Explores the Early Universe WWW.GOODNEWS.WS
- published: 02 Nov 2012
- views: 354
Youtube results:

Call of duty Modern warfare 3 Lock on target
in this video i learned and made Lock on target.. this clip is from my ..http://www.youtub...
published: 17 Jul 2012
Call of duty Modern warfare 3 Lock on target
in this video i learned and made Lock on target.. this clip is from my ..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YhyKIldaqU... Be sure to Check it out hope u enjoyed it..and if you enjoyed this video Be sure to Leave a Comment And Like and Please Subscribe..Thank you alex20productions... for the tutorial...
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- published: 17 Jul 2012
- views: 110

Fermi Space Telescope Q&A; [720p]
A pulsar is a rapidly spinning neutron star, which is the small incredibly dense remnant o...
published: 16 Nov 2011
Fermi Space Telescope Q&A; [720p]
A pulsar is a rapidly spinning neutron star, which is the small incredibly dense remnant of much more massive star. A teaspoon of matter from a neutron star weighs as much as Mount Everest and the neutron star is so compact That a ball about fifteen miles across contains more matter than our sun. Neutron stars spin between seven and forty thousand times a minute and form with incredibly strong magnetic fields. Rapid spin and intense magnetic fields drive powerful beams of electromagnetic radiation including gamma rays. As the pulsar rotates, these beams sweep the sky like a lighthouse. To a distant observer, the pulsar appears to blink on and off. Pulsars slow down as they age but some of the oldest pulsars spin hundreds of times a second. Each of these millisecond pulsars orbits a normal star. Over time, the impact of gas pulled from the normal star has spun the pulsar up to incredible speeds. This accretion may be the cause of their weaker magnetic fields. Despite this, these pulsars also emit gamma rays.
Gamma rays are the highest energy form of light.
Dave Thompson: There's the light we see with our eyes, but their lots of other types of light. Gamma rays are the most energetic form of light, the most powerful.
Valerie Connaughton: Gamma rays are the part of what we call the electromagnetic spectrum which starts in radio, at very long wavelengths, goes through optical, then through x-rays, and then gamma rays are the very highest energy form of that type of radiation.
Neil Gehrels: The reason that it's important to look at the high-energy gamma rays is that many objects, the most violent and some of the most interesting objects in the universe emit most of their light in this high-energy gamma ray part.
Phil Plait: And the only thing that can generate gamma rays are incredibly violent events, incredibly energetic events. And we're talking stars exploding and neutron stars with really strong magnetic fields and really exotic and strange objects like that. Isabelle Grenier: It's like a Christmas tree it's shining, and it's flaring and their are eruptions every day.
Peter Michelson: Gamma-ray bursts being an example of something that, for a brief instant of time outshines the entire rest of the universe. Chip Meegan: These are the biggest explosions in the universe.
The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope is a powerful space observatory that opens a wide window on the universe. Gamma rays are the highest-energy form of light, and the gamma-ray sky is spectacularly different from the one we perceive with our own eyes. With a huge leap in all key capabilities, Fermi is enabling scientists to observe some of the universes most powerful phenomena, including supermassive black holes, pulsars, and gamma-ray bursts, which briefly outshine whole galaxies. Fermi has two instruments for observing gamma rays. It's Large Area Telescope, or LAT, maps gamma rays over the entire sky every three hours and is Fermi's main detector. The other instrument is called the Gamma Ray Burst Monitor or GBM. It looks for spectacular flashes of gamma rays from, among other things, the birth of black holes far across the universe.
credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
source: http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/goto?10861
- published: 16 Nov 2011
- views: 1173

Lessons from the Swift Principal Investigator (Neil Gehrels)
The Swift mission was proposed to the 1998 medium Explorers announcement of opportunity; i...
published: 01 Dec 2011
Lessons from the Swift Principal Investigator (Neil Gehrels)
The Swift mission was proposed to the 1998 medium Explorers announcement of opportunity; it was selected for Phase A study in January 1999 and for flight in October 1999. Launched in 2004, the Swift satellite is an astronomical robot that autonomously determines the position of a gamma-ray burst and slews to that position for afterglow observations. It continues to operate successfully to this day, relying on three instruments: a wide-field gamma-ray camera, a narrow-field optical telescope, and an X-ray telescope. The gamma-ray camera was developed at Goddard Space Flight Center while the telescopes were built largely in Europe with management at Penn State, with operations at Penn State and the data center at Goddard. Challenges with the hardware build and complex scientific management among a large international team will be discussed, with an emphasis on how a close partnership among the science, management, and engineering teams was a key aspect of the project's success. The mission has since returned major discoveries about gamma-ray bursts and other astronomical transients, and it has been highly ranked in the past three Senior Reviews.
To learn more, please visit:
- published: 01 Dec 2011
- views: 131

NASA's Fermi Explores the Early Universe
This animation tracks several gamma rays through space and time, from their emission in th...
published: 01 Nov 2012
NASA's Fermi Explores the Early Universe
This animation tracks several gamma rays through space and time, from their emission in the jet of a distant blazar to their arrival in Fermi's Large Area Telescope (LAT). During their journey, the number of randomly moving ultraviolet and optical photons (blue) increases as more and more stars are born in the universe. Eventually, one of the gamma rays encounters a photon of starlight and the gamma ray transforms into an electron and a positron. The remaining gamma-ray photons arrive at Fermi, interact with tungsten plates in the LAT, and produce the electrons and positrons whose paths through the detector allows astronomers to backtrack the gamma rays to their source.
Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Cruz deWilde
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- published: 01 Nov 2012
- views: 29